A Simple SEO Strategy for 2021 (The ‘Middleman’ Method)

Ever heard of the phrase – “Content Is King?” Indeed it is because you can’t rank without it. Let’s go through the middleman method of SEO that is heavily dependent on backlinks and content.

  1. Select a money page to boost as SEO strategies on such pages can help gain significantly large traffic and even revenue.
  2. Find useful middleman opportunities to add internal links.

○ Use a Google search to find your money page with keyword research.

If you are unable to find any relevant pages with link authority, don’t worry. Incorporate the middleman method with the skyscraper technique with the following process:

  1. Find a relevant and relatable piece of content with a backlink.
  2. Improve it by making it longer, updated, attractively designed, and more thorough.
  3. Reach out to those linking to the source to link you instead.

Creating links directly to your money page is still significant. But according to the top digital marketing agency in India – sunSTRATEGIC with the Middleman method, you can get another weapon in your arsenal for expanding your highest value pages.