Color Psychology and the emotions related to it.

Colors are crucial if you are a brand wanting to promote itself. They form an integral part of developing brand identity. Be it the top graphics agency of India or the best social media marketing agency in India, everyone understands and stresses the importance of colors and their impact on a brand. 

Colors are important because they have different emotions associated with them. When people see colors, they react in different ways, generating a plethora of emotions in them. People react towards the brands based on the colors they use. There is a specific term given to this, color psychology. Brands make use of color psychology to market and promote themselves to the audience. It also develops the brand’s image in a way that it stays with people for a long time. 

Here are some human emotions associated with different colors: 


Emotion: Excitement, passion, anger, love, strength, and danger. 

Brands associated with the color: Coca-Cola, Puma, YouTube


Emotion: Energy, invigoration, value, and condor.

Brands associated with the color: Fanta, JBL, Nick


Emotion: Friendliness, youth, cheer, and warmth.

Brands associated with the color: McDonald’s, Lays, Maggie. 


Emotion: Responsibility, sustainability, tranquility, and nature.

Brands associated with the color: Starbucks, Tropicana, Heineken.


Emotion: Competence, trust, maturity, and security.

Brands associated with the color: Facebook, Ford, Twitter, HP. 

For such creative branding strategies, check out sunSTRATEGIC’s official website. They provide rich content, social media and online reputation management, and other marketing solutions.