Differences Between UK and US Advertising

  1. Patriotism
    US ads tend to be highly patriotic and feature their flag a lot. Many US ads also feature their national bird, the bald eagle. In the UK, ads don’t generally feature their waving flag or reference their national animal much.
  2. Directness
    UK ads are very direct and to the point, as their commercial breaks are very small. Some UK ads are a little indirect and even amusing, these kinds of indirect ads are more popular in the UK. US ads are cinematic experiences, companies even hire famous directors and writers to make almost a short film while advertising a product.
  3. Hard sell and soft sell
    UK ads have more of a soft-sell approach and they mildly ask you to purchase their product in the ad. US ads have more of a hard-sell approach and all their ads have a sense of urgency to immediately buy the product they are selling.
  4. Aggressiveness
    US ads are very aggressive and erratic which instills a sort of FOMO in you regarding their product as they make you believe that if you don’t buy their product immediately you will miss out on a great deal. UK ads have more of a storytelling approach that includes lots of sarcasm, surrealism, and irony.
  5. Mirror Effect
    The mirror effect is when a product is put next to something inherently good in the world to make the two things seem associated. Traditionally, US ads tend to do this more frequently with celebrities posing as a spokesman for the brand, while ads in the UK are more likely to subtly suggest a lifestyle to their demographics by developing a platform that represents their expectations.