Do clickbait headlines work well

It is no surprise that we humans are curious about everything and anything that feels a little over the top and unreal attracts us and has our attention. It is not a conscience effort but this is how we are designed which is why clickbait just works so well on just and we are easily tricked into believing something that we already know isn’t real. 

Clickbait is basically some content, visual or written that aims at grabbing attention of the people towards them and motivate them to check out their product. This something that we all have noticed and also have been trapped a multiple-times. This is a tactic that has been used on the internet for a while now especially in Youtube videos and also on a log of websites as well.

Clickbait works and that too effectively. It attacks our curiosity and emotions in a way that we cannot resist. If you want to attract people, always play with their curious mind and their wavering emotions and that’s it. The audience will do the rest. It is difficult to put a piece of content together and it is more difficult to convince the people to see it and get views on it. This is where a clickbait comes in handy. Add a quirky edit or a clever headline and Voila, your content will work much better than otherwise. This is the power of clickbait.

We have been tricked by this a lot of times and are all guilty of believing it as well. For example, if someone adds “You won’t just believe what happened” in their content, it will instantly spark a curious side within us and excite us to see what actually happened. If we weren’t as gullible as we are, clickbait wouldn’t have worked.

It is structured and put together in a way to make us shake our beliefs. A lot of clickbait that we see online are completely untrue and false yet they manage to pull a certain amount of crowd. For example, a video like “I can walk on water” would have a million views. Even though we know it’s practically impossible and false, we would still click on it just to see what happens. This was just as example of how gullible we are as people and how easy it is for us to get tricked. 

In conclusion, yes clickbait does work and it works very effectively too. These clickbait are used to attract attention and are mostly harmless but it is still important to know that these can turn to be harmful as well. Hence it is important to use them wisely without hurting anyone’s sentiments and feelings.