Fake it till you make it

 “FITYMI” is the most common “sage advice” these days. Most people consider this a way of life now and suggest this to others as well. Needless to say, this ideology does not work for every person the same way.

This time-honored adage teaches us to behave for the part we want to achieve. If you want to be something, act like you already are. If you want to be a well-established entrepreneur, behave like you already are. 

Visualize yourself in the place you ultimately want to be. But what is that doesn’t work? This can fail spectacularly if you don’t consider the possibility of the problems it can create. Being confident is one thing but don’t let it get to your head. Let’s see how this can backfire:

  • When you think you are the most important person in the room. No one likes a bragger! 
  • When you are too full of yourself and don’t value the feelings of other people.
  • When you tend to appear pompous and condescending.

You can use this tactic to your advantage without seeming like an arrogant person. Your confidence can change the way people perceive you. Don’t be too dubious while trying to fake confidence. Take a look at a few steps that can help you project confidence:

  • Power Pose: Stand tall and pose like a  superhero. This goes a long way and takes only a few seconds. Take your serotonin a few notches up.
  • Focus: Focus on what you are going to say. Focus especially on what you know. Boost your confidence, yourself.
  • Dress the part: This is a power player step. You might feel it won’t do much but believe me it works wonders. You don’t need to empty your bank account or max out your credit card. Just dress up enough to feel confident.