How to add some exercise into your packed schedule

A lot of working people tend to skip exercise Monday to Friday while trying to dedicate  a large chunk of their time to it on weekends. Not only is this less than ideal, it’s also not at all sustainable and often can lead to burnouts either physical or mental. 

To get in your adequate amount of exercise throughout the week even with a packed schedule, you need to start building the habit. Make this into a lifestyle change instead of just a momentary change in schedule. Build your habit for exercising and turn into into a routine you indulge in everyday.

If you struggle to fit in some work out time due to busy hours, building the habit and having enough motivation to perform it in the first place is the priority. The quality, the amount of time, the kind of exercises, all of these come in at second. Once you have enough motivation and a habit made to actually get up and workout, you’re already progressing. 

Set your alarm to remind you to get up and walk around for ten minutes to included tiny bursts of boost to your usual work day spent sitting throughout. 

Instead of starting big, try to start by adding short sessions to build up energy abs tolerance for longtime gain abs sustainable routine. 

You don’t have to stick to a strict timing everyday, fit it in when it’s convenient for you just make sure to fit it into your daily schedule everyday abs keep it moving! For extra motivation keep your work out outfit ready and close to you so that you are reminded by it and motivated to get off of your work chair and into the exercises.

Instead of making vast changes in a small period of time, try making minute but effective changes that you can keep up with in the long run.