How to make a fun obstacle course at home for your kids

Indoor obstacle courses are always fun and are an impressive way of using the brain and body simultaneously which leads to better hand-eye-coordination of a child. Additionally, they are not as troublesome and complex to build as one might think. Here are some tips and advice that you will need to come across before venturing out to build an obstacle course!

Ensure to build with your kids

The objective to build the obstacle course is to make your little ones have fun and keep them engrossed. And what better way is there to do that than to ask them to help you build the course? Getting your kids involved in the building process will give them a sense of fulfillment. It also encourages imaginative play.

Supervision and safety must be of the greatest importance

Make certain to use soft objects like pillows and mattresses wherever possible and ensure to keep sharp corners out of their reach. Give them tasks based on their capability and try not to get carried away by their past performance and enthusiasm.

Select the obstacles you want

Sack races – If your little one is in the mood to jump and hop about, building a sack race for them would be ideal. Hand them a pillowcase and ask them to hop through the room or the hallway.

Do not touch the floor! – Distribute and arrange pillows, cushions, and mattresses and ask your little adventurer to jump or hop from one to another, steering clear of the floor.

Book maze – Have your kid gather up their books and make use of them as the walls of a maze. They can go through them or push their favorite toys through them and have fun for hours together!

Time the sport!

What better way is there to intensify the game and make it more enjoyable than to time it? It will provide them an incentive without which there is a threat of them getting bored with it. Make them challenge themselves and beat their record time every time they start to play. It will also make them focus more.