How to Use Live Chat Data to Drive New Content Marketing Ideas

To prepare a new chat marketing strategy, you need to have a clear idea of three things:

  1. Where are you now?
  2. Where do you aim to go?
  3. What steps do you need to take to reach there?

Thus, you need to take a step-by-step approach to build a chat marketing strategy that will help improve your brand image and build better connections with your target audience. Follow the roadmap given below:

  1. Determine your target audience.
  2. Evaluate where chat marketing can help attain your business objectives.
  3. Set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.
  4. Select the channel that will work best to achieve your goals.
  5. Create a bot to catch potential customers and interest them to know more about your brand and content.
  6. To see the results of your chat marketing strategy, you should complete messenger bot audits. 

India’s best agency – sunSTRATEGIC can help you create a good chat marketing strategy that can increase conversion rates while giving your customers a more personalized experience.