
Meditation is with us for millennia, but the scientific benefits of it have made everyone take it more seriously. You may have come across many seasoned meditators whose brain has scanned while they were meditating. The results were astonishing. One who meditates daily not only has great mental health but less illness as well. This blog will help you provide you with some types of meditation you can try for yourself and make a difference in your life.

  • Mantra meditation: You have seen the Hare Krishnas doing congregational chanting.  The Hare Krishna movement has been a catalyst in making mantra meditation famous all over the world. In this meditation practice, one has to focus on the sound of the mantra. There are studies conducted on this practice, which delivers a promising result. Many consider it the easiest because one has to meditate on the sound instead of void. 
  • Guided meditation: With the help of a trainer, this practice involves guided imagery or visualization. It has to do with mental images of places or situations you find soothing. Meditating on the things you want pleasing creates a positive thought pattern in your mind.
  • Mindfulness meditation: This type of meditation makes you more mindful of the things you do in your daily life. In this meditation, your mind needs to focus on your breathing. You can also practice it while eating food, channeling your thoughts and emotions. 
  • Yoga for all: Yoga shot to fame in the 60s, scientifically proven, it has a variety of postures and breathing exercises so that you can get a fit body and calm mind. Yogic texts like Bhagavad Gita always provide you with ancient wisdom to shape your mind and thoughts. Joining a yoga class can connect you with many seasoned meditators who can help learn meditation.