Motivational books you should check out to get through this pandemic

Nobody was expecting the world to be hit by a pandemic in 2020. But is did, and also brought along a lot of stress and havoc. It turned people’s lives upside down and there was a situation of panic everywhere. 

People have gotten highly demotivated due to the current happenings in the world. Some lost their jobs while some lost their family. This has taken a toll on people’s mental health. The will to live has suddenly gone down. 

As we all know books are a man’s best friends. They are exactly what we need. Reading motivational books will keep our minds fresh and give us a direction in life. They will give us the mental energy to fight our way through this pandemic.

Here are a few motivational books you should read to get through this pandemic: 

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale:

Published in 1952, this book came out majorly as a self-help book. It talks about practicing and having faith in oneself. The book also sheds light n the power of letting go and the importance of a peaceful mind. It also teaches you to stay away from negative thoughts, to control anger and how to balance other emotions. All in all, this is a great read to freshen your mind. 

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:

With over 65 million copies sold, this book tops the list if you are looking for something positive to read. Released in the year 1988, this book talks about fulfilling your dreams and becoming successful in life despite all the difficulties. The story is told by the perspective of a young boy Santiago, who is a shepherd and has recurring dreams about finding treasure. This story follows his journey around Egypt and how he discovers life. 

The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck by Mark Manson:

The book is as crazy as its title sounds. This book was all the rage when it was published in 2016. Everyone was suddenly raving about this book. The book gave insight on how to live your life according to your terms even if people throw negative energies towards you and let you down. The language used is quite millennial and a lot of young readers are sure to enjoy this. 

Courage: The Joy of living Dangerously by Osho: 

We all love listening to Osho, don’t we? Then why not read Osho? His insights and motivational speeches are sure to lift your spirits up. this book in particular talks about fighting your fears and to overcome them. Osho uses everyday experiences to make you aware about fear and to know its origin. 

Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker:

This book particularly speaks about a person’s strengths and weaknesses. It throws light on how one should manage their strengths and weaknesses and how only weaknesses should not affect our behaviour. This book imbibes a sense of balance in one’s mind and helps him work efficiently. 

So, grab any of the books, get a hot cup of coffee and start reading!