Reasons why product reviews are beneficial to a brand

Below is a list of reasons why product reviews are useful to a brand-

1. Visibly impacts sales

While shopping online, most people filter products by ratings and almost always go for products with higher ratings. Before buying a product, many people religiously go through all the reviews and attached pictures to make sure they will be getting a legitimate product and not some fake look alike.

2. Impact decision making

If two companies are selling the exact same product, people will always go for the one with higher ratings and better pictures. Seeing other people post pictures of the product you want to buy will make you more relaxed about buying it.

3. They are a form of advertisement

The more reviewed your product is, the more it is being talked about. A good review is just as good as any paid advertisement. In fact, it may hold more weight as it comes from a real person using the product and not a celebrity endorsing it who may or may not be using the product they are endorsing.

4. Reviews make you look trustworthy

A product with many reviews will automatically have your trust. It will assure you that you will get a legitimate product as the thousands of people who reviewed it also got a decent, working product.

5. Proof that you sell a real product

Many times you don’t always get what you buy during online shopping. The picture on the site may show a beautiful product but in reality, you might receive some cheap and poor functioning product. If your product has many reviews along with pictures from people who actually bought it, it will be proof that you are selling a genuine product and not a low-grade imitation.