Self care tips while staying at home

Self-care is a wide term that includes pretty much anything you do to regard yourself. More or less, it is being as kind to yourself as you would be to other people as in the everyday races we forget to take care of our very selves. It’s somewhat about knowing when your assets are falling short, and venturing back to renew them instead of letting them all channel away.

Most of our distress stems from our inability to meet certain deadlines or from not performing as per our expectations in our work environments. This can be met with making and following a routine. Having a schedule set for every activity throughout the day can prove to be very beneficial in managing time and meeting deadlines. Setting up the workspace in a well organised manner is a very crucial part of self care; creating a work environment that is comfortable and convenient for oneself, it will positively affect our body and consequently our productivity. Simple things like the chair- table set, lights, placement of stationery and gadgets and more can affect the way we function in our workspace throughout the day. 

Taking regular and orderly breaks from work can also help in increasing focus. Whenever we feel overworked and unable to concentrate, taking a break, going for a little walk or doing some mild stretches help. 

Some kind of mindfulness practice, particularly in the morning, helps calm anxiety, stress, doubt, fear etcetera and helps relax the mind and body. This in turn helps to spend a more calm and fruitful day with increased productivity. Such practices may include Yoga, medication or exercise. 

Journaling is a technique that has proven to be very beneficial in cleansing your mind. Emptying one’s head onto a diary or journal for even a very short span of time helps to clear the head and restore peace. A gratitude journal is a splendid method to help you center around the positive – more significant now than any time in recent memory.