Some fun movie promotion tactics used over the years.

  1. Do Something Unique
    Perform some kind of a publicity stunt to catch the attention of people and pique their interest
  2. Pre Roll Video Advertising
    Pre-roll video advertisements are an amazingly powerful method for catching curiosity and planting your trailer online. They’re relatively cheap, and you’re not asked to pay if the viewer clicks ‘skip’ in the first five seconds.
  3. Be careful with a press junkets 
    Press Junkets is one of the most effective promotional techniques of the film industry. Essentially, these activities carry as many important journalists, analysts and writers to a venue where, over the course of a few days, the press will perform interviews with all of the film’s main actors and directors.
  4. Enable your viewers to live the story 
    The Hunger Games had one of the most forward-looking interactive marketing strategies of the decade. T he most creative part of their strategy was their ‘Virtual Hunger Games,’ where users could enter the district and play against other districts, just like in the movie.
  5. Involve the audience in the making of the film
    In the time leading up to the launch of The Dark Knight, Warner Brothers released the award-winning ‘Why so Serious?’. The campaign invited more than 10 million fans around the world to visit the world’s landmarks in full Joker makeup, generating a massive amount of hype for the film.