Stargazing, calming and fun

What do you do when you want an escape from reality? Most people prefer stargazing. Let’s start by first understanding what stargazing is. Stargazing is exactly what the name suggests, it is looking at the stars or gazing at the stars. It is just as calming and therapeutic as it sounds. There are so many activities available that one can do, so what is it about stargazing that makes it so special and fun? Let’s have a look!

First off, one can feel at ease just by looking at the stars without having to leave the comfort of their homes or even the terrace. It is familiar, it’s comfortable and most importantly, it is magical. We all live stressful lives and it is difficult to take time out for ourselves. But stargazing is one activity that not only provides mental peace but also is extremely accessible. It helps us reconnect with nature and its wonders which is truly magnetic. Nights can be dark, mystic, and mysterious, but the stars add that hint of light that is much required. They are like pearls in the sky that light up the world as well as our lives.

There is nothing more calming than that never-ending sky with the blanket of stars, it’s poetic and it’s beautiful. It gives us a different perspective about life. It is also believed that stars help our minds relax as well as function better. It is said that after people die they turn onto stars, it’s just a myth of course, but it makes us feel closer to the people we love and lost. Is there anything more peaceful than that? We don’t think so! 

In the world where we listen to the honking of vehicles and people fighting, that stunning night with stars provides stillness and silence. Silence too has a sound; we are just too busy to hear it. Stargazing provides inner peace that is beyond anything you would’ve ever experienced. Our brain goes through multiple thoughts in a day, and it keeps functioning all day long, don’t you think it needs some rest? Stargazing will help it immensely.

We are becoming so technically sound, that we forget to appreciate the little things. We fail to notice that there are so many things that we get from nature and that too in abundance, but we are not using it to our advantage. Stargazing is one of them. It is not only magical and gorgeous to look at but it also is extremely beneficial for providing us with tranquillity. Now that we know, how incredible of an activity stargazing is, don’t wait too long! Grab yourself a snack and rush to the terrace to witness a spectacle, a visual treat.