The bread-making trend of 2020

Cooking was the trending hobby in this pandemic as everyone was stuck in their homes for months. So people find cooking food at their homes making new delicious dishes and following the challenges. The social media platforms started spreading the challenges and posting the dishes which you made during this pandemic for likes. It gave rise to the bread-making trend.

Bread. A basic need for our breakfast and food. Google Trend searches founded that “bread” hit the most in these networking platforms. The logic behind bread-making was that it gives relief from baking and eating. Joel Harrower, a musician, and home chef in Huntsville said that Bread-making is the therapy for him. So these are the logic behind this trend set by people.

Bread-making is a very easy task with very few ingredients which relaxes the mind and gets the joy of baking. The bread-making challenge was started by The Kiwi Country Girl first started the bread-making challenge on Facebook and Instagram. It is a webpage for the food making recipes and many more things with a proper explanation. They started making monthly challenges by making different types of bread recipes. They aimed to make everyone to bake bread at home every day because nothing is refreshing as making bread at home with fresh ingredients. In this way, the people over social media started following this trend making different bread recipes at home. 

This challenge spread by tagging it with friends, families, and many more people on social networking sites. So by tagging each other and other people all over the platform it started spreading and becoming a trend. The trend is something that you follow. Cooking and baking was anyways a trending post and hobby in this pandemic period. The bread-challenge started with great joy and fun while making your fresh bread at your home.