The relation between peer pressure and bullying.

Children are often exposed to a new world when they enter school or make new friends. They might find things amusing and their curiosity is at an all-time high and it just takes a second to convince them to try something new. At this age, children usually succumb to peer pressure. Peer pressure occurs when one tries something that they normally wouldn’t do. This is mostly done to fit into a particular group or to look “cool” like other people. Peer pressure is usually shown in a very negative light but it has positive effects too. For instance, if a child makes friends with a group of well-disciplined kids, their manners and behaviors are ought to be adopted by the child as well. Peer pressure is inevitable and has its branches spread in every section of society. 

Now, coming to the negative impacts of peer pressure- it can cause long-term damage to a person and can leave them with life-long trauma. Negative impacts of peer pressure usually include one falling prey to drugs, smoking, alcohol abuse, or any other kind of wrong habits. People have ruined their lives because of the pressure put on them by their peers. 

One of the major things that peer pressure leads to is bullying. Bullying and peer pressure often go hand-in-hand. The presence of one invariably causes the other. People generally do not realize when pressure changes to bullying and the ones at the receiving end suffer. 

What is bullying?

Bullying is the act of repeatedly overpowering someone and getting them to do things forcefully. Bullying can be social, physical, and mental. Bullies threaten other people and get them to do things unwillingly. The people who fall prey to bullying are scarred for a lifetime and live their life with trauma. Victims of bullying often take drastic steps that sometimes include suicide. 

The co-relation of peer pressure and bullying:

When a person or a group of people try to forcefully pressurize someone into doing things against their will, it leads to bullying. Victims are often told to carry out certain wrong activities. The bullies usually don’t realize the extent that they go to while pressurizing the victim. It sometimes so happens that bullies don’t even realize the impact they create on others. For bullies, it is all disguised as fun & games. If a person doesn’t agree with the bullies, their pictures are leaked on public platforms, a rumor about them spread everywhere or they are called names and insulted. This leaves the person with no option but to agree with his/her bully. This vicious act is not only related to children but takes place with adults too. 

Here are some ways in which you can stop bullying:

Call out the bully publicly.

Complain to the responsible authorities or a cyber cell. (In-case of cyberbullying)

Learn to say NO.

Positively respond to peer pressure.

Peer pressure and bullying are wrong and unjust acts that need to be stopped!