Tips to increase your height

Let’s start by saying, there is nothing wrong or derogatory about short people. Everyone should love who they are and what they are and not let others be a source of comparison. There are people who will constantly judge you, but if you accept yourself and love yourself, the negative things wouldn’t matter. But sometimes being tall is important if you are wanting to go for a specific job. There are a lot of jobs wherein being above a certain height is important. There are a few ways that you can try and achieve that.

Healthy Diet: Even though, height mostly depends upon genes, there are a few external factors that affect the height as well and diet is one of them. During adolescence, including proper nutrition in the diet is very important and plays a very big role in growth and development of the body. Adding leafy vegetables and dairy products to the diet makes a lot of difference. Including foods that are rich in protein, vitamins, zinc, calcium and magnesium is of utmost important as these are the main elements that control height.

Good Posture: It may come as a shock to you, but a good posture affects the height massively. A bad posture will not just restrict the growth but will also cause a lot of adverse effects on your body in the later stages. A bad posture affects the spinal cord that directly affects the height. Always keep your back straight while walking with your head up and shoulders down. Never slouch or bend backwards. These little things make a big difference.

Swimming: Swimming is a very well-known as well as highly recommended trick for increasing height. Even though, there are a lot of basic exercise that do contribute in increase of height, there is nothing like swimming. It not only immensely contributes in height but also overall growth and well-being. It is a great and a fun form of exercise. Swimming is one of the best forms because, it makes up for a complete body workout and also strengthens the muscles.

Skipping: Rope skipping is yet another fun and very effective exercise for increasing height. The physical body movements work for a complete body workout and helps the body strengthen. Skipping enables the body to constantly bend the knees that helps the calves expand and grow vertically. This is a great way to exercise and this has also proved to be quite effective. 

Confidence: Last but not the least, Confidence is the key. It is the key to every door of self-love and happiness. Be confident in your skin and the world will accept you. And even if they don’t, who cares. It’s your body, your life, your strength and your will. Learn to accept yourself and everyone around you can adjust.