Using humor as an escape from the harsh realities of the world.

Life is a series of ups and downs. Some would say there are more downs than ups. Every day, we face fresh obstacles we sometimes have absolutely no idea to solve. Our minds get knotted, our hearts get broken into a million pieces, and our lives get completely tousled. The bumpy road of adulthood holds numerous unexpected situations we’d like to handle and overcome. Sometimes, these situations could be absolutely devastating. However, those who can find humor within the most troublesome scenarios are usually those who can doubtlessly overcome it. 

They are entirely self-aware, and they perfectly understand how silly it is when people hold themselves in charge of the situations that they have no control over. Moreover, these people are attentive enough to acknowledge that regardless of how old they are, they’re still growing, learning, and improving. 

When the going gets tough or the struggles get “real”, we get too serious trying to work things out that we find ourselves losing sight of what laughter is and the way it really feels to possess an honest laugh. We forget that even in those tough times, there’s always something to laugh over. 

Humor adds spice to life, it heals souls, it uplifts you, it makes life worth living and it makes it all clear to us that life really isn’t alleged to be as serious as we tend to make it look like.

Problems always have some sense of humor in them, you only have to look (with a less serious lens) and you’ll realize that it’s going to make you laugh. Once you’re ready to find the humor in a difficult situation, you start winning over it.