What is crisis communication and how does it help

“Communication is key!” haven’t we all heard this saying all our lives? But have you ever wondered why is this important? Proper communication is important in every relationship and lack of which can cause troubles. Any hindrance in communication causes troubles. And it is important to have a strong way of communicating with people in every field. Different problems require different way of communicating.

Even in the professional field, it is important that there is a proper network of communication. Employees have to be informed of the happenings in the company and employers also need to be updated through their employees. Communication is a two-way process. And not following that will cause problems. For a smooth flow of any organization, it is important that proper communication takes place. But what does a company do in times of crisis?

To combat this there is a term called crisis communication.

But what is crisis communication?

This is a form of communication companies use when the company is facing some problems. This is done to provide knowledge to employees and ask them as to how they can solve the crisis. For instance; there is a data breach in your company. What do you do at this time? You convey this thing to your employees in a certain manner and this will them as well as you in making the right decision. Crisis communication also takes place in other situations like work injuries, bankruptcies and sexual harassment at workplace. 

To communicate crisis, a company needs strong internal communication, leadership and backing from PR. A company should have adequate risk management skills to combat any situation of crisis. Having proper technology is also helpful to communicate a situation of crisis. 

How does crisis communication help?

  • Builds trust in a workplace
  • Aligns internal and external messages
  • Builds a loyal customer base
  • Misinformation is not spread easily
  • Makes employees feel secure