Why do BOTS fail?

A bot is a software automated program developed to fulfill specific tasks that are often simple and redundant. Since they are self-regulated, they run according to instructions, without human intervention. Bots are generally used to reproduce or renovate human behavior. Some bots are good (legitimate) such as search engine bots that index content to improve the user experience, while bad (malicious) bots are built to break into user accounts, inspect the internet for contact details to send spam messages and notifications, or perform other illegitimate activities. Bots connected to the internet have an associated IP address. So, why do so many bots fail?

Bad conversation, bot persona structure, the dearth of a fallback operation, inadequacy of follow-up methods, and extremely high expectations are the reasons why some bots fail to produce the required results.

Want to learn more about bots? sunSTRATEGIC is the top digital marketing agency in India that can help you learn more about bots and their uses. Get in touch today!