Why taking away your child’s phone isn’t a good idea

Most parents must have thought of taking away their child’s phone because, at the end of the day, the phone is the reason for all the problems. Parents are quick to blame the phone for practically everything. If one didn’t get good marks in college, “Put that phone away first”, is what we get to hear. But is taking away your child’s phone the best solution? Do you think that it will work in improving your child? Well, let’s discuss this in-depth.

One of the reasons that taking away your child’s phone doesn’t work is because now they have a lot more options to choose from. The phone is not the only medium of entertainment that they have, as there is gaming, laptops, tablets, etc available which work just as fine as an alternative. If you feel that taking away your child’s phone will help them concentrate more on studies, then you might be wrong here. Nowadays, online studies have become quite a trend, where the children need a laptop or a computer to study. Hence, you can’t stop them from using these devices, and you never know what they are doing online. 

Another reason why it doesn’t work is that it is not a permanent solution. It’s not like you will never return the phone to your child, and once you do that, your child will be back to doing what they were previously doing. Finding a better and permanent solution is needed. Taking away the phone for some time and then giving it back again won’t make a lot of difference in the attitude of the child. 

Lastly, it can also cause a rift between the child and their parents which is something no one would want. We all know how addicted children are to their phones these days, hence taking it away from them can create differences. A phone shouldn’t be the reason for parents and children to fight, and besides, taking away the phone doesn’t come with a lot of advantages either. The phone keeps the children connected to their friends, which is why taking it away will only make things worse.

Parents are in no way wrong for taking care of their child, and their lives. But again, taking away the phone doesn’t seem like the right punishment. Think of something that will change the way your child thinks, for the better. Talk to them about your worries and concerns and make them understand as talking can solve a lot of issues. Also, children look for friends in their parents, hence being friendly with them will be extremely effective.