Why talking to your sons about consent is very important.

Consensus refers to a general agreement, and similarly, consent comes about as a result of understanding. When a person voluntarily and explicitly agrees to a suggested proposal or desires of another person, the following action is called a consensual act. It has been agreed to by both the parties involved. Consent is not limited to sexual activities; it is crucial in legal processes, artistic processes, and everyday life—someone acting towards you in a way that you do not consent to make them a criminal. Parents are responsible for their children’s good upbringing; however, they often forget about discussing with their children about consent, which is why many children grow up to be entitled and do not even regret their acts. They are not aware of what explicit consent is about and its importance. To help children grow up into compassionate, kind human beings worthy of existing in society, they should be made thoroughly aware of what and how consent works. 

 Teaching kids about boundaries is vital so that they know how to act around people. One person who reacted in a certain way one day to their action might not act the same or be comfortable with it the next day. Teaching them to ask for things clearly and then proceeding with it only when given permission is essential. This should not just be a lesson but an everyday practice that should be upheld for kids too! If the kids are not comfortable with someone hugging them or kissing them, they should have the freedom to reject it. 

Parents should also help children and teach them how to cope in case they face rejection. If someone does not want to have their personal space invaded, then introduce the child not to take it personally and respect their decision. Often rejection can hurt kids, this might turn them vengeful, and they might act out to make the said person uncomfortable to cope with the humiliation of rejection. If dealt with correctly, kids will learn to move on from it without any issues. 

Consent is a simple concept that can make society a better place if ingrained at a young age.