Why you must stop referring to women as girls

We always hear people saying, calling women “aunty” is offensive to them but let us just tell you another fact, calling women “girls” is equally offensive. Let’s get a little technical for a moment, there is a specific age group to call names. Calling young female “girls” is right but after they cross a certain age, calling them by the same name is rude. When do we end up calling men “boys”, hardly! Then why the difference? It comes across as rude and demeaning to most women.

Let’s start with the basics, calling women girls is questioning their age and also their maturity which is a big “NO”. There is a reason why different terms are used for a same gender. One when they are little and immature and one when they grow-up and become mature. Language and words matter and one can easily sense from a tone, what you mean to call a person. Even If not intentional, it may come across as rude and hurtful. This is something one should think about before any words slip their mouths.

Another thing is that it creates an unhealthy obsession for always being young in a woman’s mind. You cannot control your age, but calling someone out by a younger term creates a sense of maintain their youth which is impractical. We anyway live a society where we are constantly being judged on the basis of how we look and on top of that, creating unrealistic beauty standards is a big No. This makes it difficult for a lot of women to accept their age which is not something that should be encouraged.

Lastly, one of the most basic and the simplest reason is that “girls” and “women” are different and mixing them together is neither cool nor wise. Both are different, in terms of age, in terms of belief, in terms of approach and in terms of mental abilities. Accepting both of them is important and so is accepting them separately. We as a society think these things are minor and don’t really matter but it does. Instead of arguing about this and conducting debates about it, wouldn’t it be much simpler to accept facts and move on?