Words that you may have been pronouncing wrong

Communication is the base to start the conversation, and words are the building blocks, so you need to know the correct pronunciations. Many people don’t like to correct them every time, so charm them by learning the right way of pronouncing any words. English is a language where you don’t pronounce the exact spelling. For instance- we write Island, but we pronounce ‘iland,’ where ‘s’ remains silent. Thus there are many words like this where we make mistakes.

Here are some words that we use every day:

  1. Mischievous: We all thought that there are three syllables, but there are only two syllables. We pronounce “mis-CHEEV-ee-us,” but it actually “MIS-chiv-us.”
  2. Espresso: Add ‘x’ while pronouncing Espresso. So the right pronunciation should be ‘Expresso.’
  3. Often: You all will be amazed to know that while pronouncing ‘often’ the ‘t’ remains silent, so the right way is “OFF-en.”
  4. Epitome: The correct way to pronounce epitome is ‘epi-tumi’ and not ‘epi-toe-m.’ There are only two syllables in the epitome. 
  5. Wednesday: This week-day is pronounced as ‘wenz-day’ and not ‘wed-ness-day.’
  6. Pizza: We all love eating Pizza, but we all pronoun it wrong. It is pronounced as ‘peet-za’ and not ‘pi-za.’
  7. Monk: English is a confusing language when it comes to pronunciation. ‘mawnk’ is not the correct way to say it, but ‘Munk’ is the right way to pronounce it.
  8. Data: We use the word data more often, but we say it in the wrong way. It is not ‘daa-taa’ but its ‘day-ta.’
  9. Tour: The word tour is pronounced as ‘too-uhr’ and not ‘toor.’ 
  10. Pronunciation: The most used word, especially in this article, is correctly pronounced as ‘pro-nun-cia-shun’ and not ‘pro-noun-cia-shu.’

These are some common and widely used terms that we don’t pronounce correctly. Practice saying these words in front of the mirror so that you don’t repeat the mistake.