A great way to spend your free time in pandemic

The pandemic has turned unthinkable situations into reality. Suddenly, it’s made us prisoners in our own houses, prohibited from going out and about in the world, doing our normal routine. The quarantine and social distancing measures forced us all to stay cooped up in our own homes. This has given us plenty of free time that we don’t even know what to do with. Here are a few ways you can spend your time in quarantine, safely and responsibly:

1. Reading

Reading is one of the best habits to pick up anytime and especially now when it can help us escape the grim reality of what is going on around us. You can either start with an entirely new book or revisit the old ones. Try new genres and experiment with your taste while you have the luxury to. 

2. Learn a new language

You have probably always wanted to learn a foreign language that has fascinated you, curious about the culture and traditions of a place or community? You can research and try to master a new language instead of procrastinating and stressing about the virus situation. There are numerous online courses available on the internet right now, where you can learn safely from the comfort of your house. Learn a new language and who knows maybe you can even put it on your CV to impress your future employers!

3. Learn your way around the kitchen

You are not expected to cook up Michelin star-worthy recipes, but you can definitely learn the basic dishes at this time. Use the ample amount of time to learn cooking which can be very beneficial to you in the long run. Your body and your pocket will both thank you when you take a break from ordering in and eat your home-cooked meals. If cooking up dishes sound too complex to you, you can even try your hand at making easy and delicious beverages to cut back on the drive to your nearest Starbucks.