A guide to holding press conferences

One marketing tool that those who are outside the media industry are familiar with is “press conference.” And that is because it is a powerful tool that helps in awareness generation about an institution or event. If timed precisely along with great planning, press conferences can be an exceptionally effective method of promoting news or for making a big announcement.

If you are contemplating hosting a press conference, consider two questions. Firstly, is your press conference worthy of making news? Secondly, what time is perfect to hold the conference? If your press conference is not timed well, you may have a speaker and podium, but no audience.

Press conferences should be held as the news breaks. Holding the conference even one day after it breaks can be a little too late. They should be held only when companies are announcing some significant news. In the 24-hour news cycle of today, if the media shows up at your conference, it better be newsworthy news.

Make sure to have a “Master of Ceremonies” appointed for the D-Day. This is the person who will be in charge of welcoming the media persons, introducing the speakers of the day, and managing questions if required. Having printed materials that are in support of the news available for the media is also a recommendation.

Most importantly, do not overlook the little things. A comfortable and organized room will make the television news set up simpler. The idea of keeping refreshments available for the audience is also highly endorsed.