Accepting yourself is the first step towards self-love.

We think that we are is not sufficient or worthless and constantly keep comparing ourselves to others, which lowers our self-confidence and as a result makes us unhappy. To live your life to the fullest, you should first accept yourself and stop comparing ourselves. Everyone has their own distinct personality. 

You may find something attractive in some other person, and that other person must be admiring some of your qualities.

If you don’t accept yourself, then how are you going to convince others to accept you?

Imagine being in a world where there is no benchmark to compare yourself with anyone. You can make such a world when you think you are complete in yourself. Life isn’t tied in with contrasting, judging, or modifying what our identity is to fit in but instead you can make your life tie in with positivity, happiness and self-love. At the point when we acknowledge ourselves, we free ourselves up to additional. We start to comprehend who we are because we are doing whatever it takes not to change what we stand for.

Once you accept yourself, you are in a safe space to accept others. When you start embracing your flaws, you start being less judgmental. With this, every person can love themselves and spread love. All this makes the world a happy place to live in.