Reading is the best way to give yourself some time off from your busy schedual. Reading soothes your mind, calms your soul and lets your travel the whole world without moving.

Are you an avid reader? If not then better be one, because nothing compares to the pleasure of reading.

Here are few celebrities giving some major reading goals:

The versatile actress Deepika Padukone doesn’t just read the scripts but has keen interest in reading fiction. She loves reading books and also mentions that ‘The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini is her favorite book. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is undoubtedly one of the best books and will keep one interested throughout. It will give you a thriller and emotional ride.

Randeep Hooda is winning hearts with his amazing acting skills. The star’s favorite novel is ‘The Alchemist’ by the renowned Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho. This again is an amazing read, for all the new readers get your hands on is ‘The Alchemist’ as it is an inspiring story about ‘following your dream’. 

Priyanka Chopra has won the world with her beauty and blockbuster movies. Jawaharlal Nehru composed various letters to his daughter Indira Gandhi. Ten of which are distributed in the book “Letters From a Father To His Daughter”. Without a doubt, this book turns into the top pick of the actress Priyanka Chopra, given the fact that she shares a beautiful bond with her dad. The letters potray the normal history and account of human advancement. However far PC goes she still remains desi and her roots remains Indian no matter where she goes.