Everyone wishes to become someone when they grow up. Someone wants to become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, actor, or anything else. People who chose to become actors, singers, and dancers chose the entertainment field. They like entertaining people with their skills, but what about animals? Do they wish to become entertainers, performers? No. Then why are they forced to leave their natural habitats to entertain humans? They don’t like to be on shows and are used, abused, or even tortured for human entertainment. Forcing bears, elephants, tigers, and others in circuses to perform confusing and physically demanding tricks is very cruel. The trainers use bull hooks, whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, and other painful tools to train the animals.

Most animals do everything that they can to evade humans. These Bollywood trainers force the animals to leave their lives, families, freedom, and everything else that’s ordinary and important to them. 

How beautiful it is to see animals playing with each other in the jungle where they are living their best. 

Animals doing anything their way in their natural habitats is itself an entertainment for the human who loves animals and respects them. Seeing animals perform in the circus is not a source of entertainment but a pure source of mistreating to the animals.

It is high time people realize the real meaning of entertainment. It is high time people have the right understanding to differentiate animal abuse from entertainment.