Best Remedies for Hangovers

Hangovers are a strategy that our body uses that reminds us of the night before when we enjoyed limitless drinks. Fatigue, headaches, nausea, dizziness, thirst, and sensitivity to light or sound are the primary symptoms of a hangover. After our blood alcohol level starts to drop, hangover begins, and when it hits zero, it gets even worse. However, hangovers are treatable, and here are some ways you can reduce the hangover:

  1. Water and lemon- You can drink lemon water to keep yourself hydrated, or only water. Since drinking excess alcohol can cause dehydration, only water can keep you hydrated.
  2. Sleep- Following a night of drinking, people don’t tend to sleep well. Alcohol can make you sleep quickly, but your body feels uncomfortable, so you will not have a proper sleep. Although sleep deprivation won’t induce a hangover on its own, it can certainly make the symptoms feel worse.
  3. Pain relievers- You can take pain relief pills, hangover pills, or Alka Seltzer that will help you reduce the pain from the hangover after some time.
  4. Coffee- Black coffee can help you to cure a hangover. Caffeine reduces blood vessels and increases blood pressure, and you begin to feel better in 30 to 60 minutes.
  5. Have a light breakfast- It is recommended that you have a light breakfast of easily digestible foods so that you won’t feel gastric and weak.

While there are several well-known hangover remedies out there, few are scientifically supported. Strategies include keeping hydrated, having plenty of sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and taking some vitamins, all of which may decrease the effects of your hangover. Drinking in control and selecting beverages that are low in alcohol will also benefit you in the first place to avoid a hangover.