Can brands ignore the current situation and go about their strategies “normally”?

Because of the pandemic and its abrupt however unavoidable effect on everybody, brands have had to abandon their prearranged line of action and have been compelled to re- examine their framework that takes into account the new requirements and needs of their customer base, just now the need being of tasks to be completed in a significantly more digitised and personalised way.

Ignoring the current situation and going about their pre planned strategies as they would do normally would inevitably lead them to become outdated and in this case even dangerous as the world is now in need to modern approaches that do away with traditional approaches with touchpoint that are now hazardous to people’s health directly. Ignoring safety will not only lead the brand to be abandoned by their consumer base it will also lead them to lose credibility in the market. Their reputation as a brand that they had probably worked years to build would go down the pipe in just a few ill planned moves.

Sticking to the pre planned strategies and not remoulding to meet the new needs will make the brand look ignorant and will give the idea that they do not care about their customer’s needs or safety.

Going by old strategies is going be furthermore not be cost effective at all and eventually cause them to lose valuable funds, time and effort that they could have utilised to make a much more effective plan corresponding to the changing needs arising from the changing situations.

The main thing that brands now need to do is connect and keep in contact with their customers in such a way that it shows that they truly care and have best intentions. In uncertain times like these there’s vulnerability and consumers are always searching for some assistance. Consumers are searching for a steady and consistent degree of updates, and information too. This is where the brands need to change their approach and make a more personalised way available to keep that consumer base loyal to them. If they feel abandoned by the brand they have supported, they will easily move to a newer one.