Cleaning hacks that you can try easily.

Whether you find cleaning therapeutic or put it off till you cannot anymore, we have news for you. We have a definitive list of cleaning hacks that you wish you knew! These hacks help take the work out of your chore list by saving time and energy.

Clean your cabinets with a vacuum: Why restrict your vacuum cleaner to the floors and sofas? Use them to clean out your cabinets and get the tiny cobwebs or dust out of every nook and corner. You no more need to struggle to reach those high cabinets with a cloth. 

Use a pillowcase to clean ceiling fans: Take an old pillowcase and slip it over a ceiling fan blade and wipe. This way, the dust from the fan falls inside the pillowcase and not on your floors. 

Use socks to clean blinds: Blinds can be so hard to clean thoroughly. No matter what you do, there’s always going to be dust hiding in one of the corners. An easy hack is to wear an old sock on your hand and spritzing it with some water or cleaning solution. Then grip each panel and using your sock-covered hand, wipe the blinds by removing dust with each swipe.

Lemon water for your microwave. Lemon is your hero when it comes to cleaning. An easy way to deep clean your microwave after wiping it down is to squeeze a lemon in a bowl of water and heat it in the microwave for half a minute. The vapor will clean out the insides of your microwave and leave it smelling fresh.