Dare to be different!

Society wants to trap individuals into confinements of what is considered the norm for them. Straying away from it can lead others to perceive you in a negative light. Different is not negative. Being different from the crowd takes courage and innovation. Doing your work, in your unique way can at first have a lot of people ridiculing you, however, at the end of the day, you will be happy that your work and creation reflects your ideals. People who are looking for an easy way out are the ones who always follow the norm and never explore outside it, scared of being criticized and the best way to not be criticized is by doing nothing or being nothing. 

Fitting the norms is not always the remedy to everything! You need to get to know yourself and have a clear view of your identity, your vision and your mission. To be someone who successfully strays away from the crowd and does tasks in their innovative way, you need to prepare yourself for people looking down on you and to combat that you have to have a very clear perception of your feelings, thoughts and goals.

You might often feel like an outcast who does not fit in with others and for this, you have to learn to not take everything personally. People are often intimidated or scared by things they are not used to, they might react to you the same way but try not to be discouraged by it. 

You have to realize that you are unique and that your opinion and approach matters just as much as the others’. 

Being true to who you are at your core instead of trying to follow in someone else’s footsteps will eventually earn you respect and many will look up to you and be inspired by your determination and strength.