De stressing by stargazing.

People these days are always struggling to get ahead in the race of life, barely having any time to stop and take in their surroundings. They do not even have the time to enjoy the facilities they work their entire lives for. They are forever running after more success. Taking a break now and then is completely fine to let yourself relax and surround yourself with things that you often take for granted. You will be surprised just how refreshing it can be to let yourself live in the moment for some time. This will rejuvenate your mind and soul while also filling you with wonder for the world we live in. 

Stargazing is one such activity where you can simply let yourself free from all expectations and just look at the stars. It is not like camping, where you have to set up and stress over amenities, it is not like hiking where you have to challenge yourself to get to the top, it is also not like reading a book where you are searching for entertainment. Stargazing is the simplest yet most effective way of just relaxing and taking in the beauty that our earth has to offer. You don’t even need to step out of your house, just get comfy on your balcony or terrace and enjoy the calmness that comes in from watching those celestial gems twinkling brilliantly for you. The fast-paced yet mundane city life can get boring and taxing quickly and stargazing really can remedy that without you even having to take a trip. All you need is some time and an open mind. You will start seeing beauty in the crowded city night sky too. You can do it alone or with people close to you to strengthen your bond.

If you are one of those people who have a hard time stopping themselves from thinking constantly, then stargazing is perfect for you. You might even just have an epiphany while gazing at the stars. This is also the best activity during social distancing and quarantine when everything around us is in chaos and all of us need to recharge.