Do Mukbangs promote unhealthy eating habits

Otherwise called “muek-bang,” the term originated from two Korean words meaning eating (meokneun) and broadcast or streaming (bangsong). So joined, mukbang means broadcasting eating.

Mukbang began gaining popularity in South Korea in 2011. Today, hundreds and thousands of individuals keep on  watching millions of live streams and carefully made video of people eating abnormal amounts of food in a short period of time and in an weird way. The events mainly show the host, devouring huge amounts of food before an audience.

Mukbang recordings are generally highlighted on YouTube, with several thousands and even bigger number of viewers. Mukbang has advanced from Korean culture and propagated it to the US.What’s more, the mukbang stars regularly get gifts from watchers or band together with brands to promote them. Some mukbangers make countless dollars every year and use mukbanging as their everyday work and not just a hobby. Many people have been motivated because of this to take on mukbang as a full time job.  

Be that as it may, nutrition specialists demonstrate possible dangers because watching mukbang is principally up to the viewer’s discretion. But mukbang can promote  gorging. 

These seamers generally indulge on packs of ramen noodles, fried chicken, pizza, and the list goes on. All of these unhealthy foods at once can cause major damage to any person’s body and interfere with the normal functions of a healthy body. Not only is it harmful to the streamer, the people watching at home are seduced by the food and often end up giving in to the temptation and calling up home delivery for satisfying their unhealthy food craving. 

Mukbang may empower unhealthy dietary patterns. People with unhealthy eating patterns may watch these streams and actually use it as a way to conform and make themselves believe that they are fine as others like them are out there too doing good for themselves while having such a diet. Glamorising being able to afford such huge quantities of food may impact other less fortunate people negatively too.