Effective remedies for a hangover

Drinking too much alcohol can come with various side effects. Having a hangover is the most common one out of them. The most evident symptoms include fatigue, a bad headache, nausea, etc. There are certain ways you can remedy a bad hangover after a long night of drinking that is backed by science and not just a gimmick!

Having a nutritious and filling breakfast will help with your blood sugar levels and this, in turn, will alleviate your symptoms of dizziness and nausea. This is one of the most well-known remedies and almost every part of the world has a special breakfast recipe made specifically to cure hangovers. Excessive alcohol consumption can disturb the balance of the chemicals present in the blood and increase acidity, this could only increase your symptoms of nausea and fatigue hence a full meal should help. 

An ample amount of rest is suggested to remedy a hangover. While alcohol causes you to feel sleepy, higher amounts or chronic consumption can actually harm your sleep cycle and pattern. After a long time of excessive alcohol consumption, your body will be going through fatigue, irritability and headache, and this can only be helped with rest. Lack of proper rest can cause the symptoms to get even worse.

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, so staying hydrated is very important as dehydration can worsen the symptoms and make you feel miserable. Drinking plenty of water will lessen the symptoms and make you feel much better.

In different parts of the world people also use supplements like red ginseng that reduce alcohol levels in the blood and make hangovers better. Some use ginger as its believed that combining ginger with brown sugar and orange extract can improve hangover symptoms.