Famous brand stories to inspire you to develop your brand story

Storytelling is an art that can attract many people compared to business writing. You may have seen that people enjoy reading novels consisting of hundreds of pages, but they will recoil at the thought of reading anything informative or data-driven. 

The reason is boredom; people like to read something exciting and relatable. Too much bombardment of information is quite heavy to process. In this case, the best way to communicate with the customers is to tell your story. How you started from scratch and built your brand name in the market. Inspiring stories not only help young entrepreneurs, but it also impacts your brand value.

Let us make you aware of all those successful brands that started from the bottom, now ruling the world. 

  • The story of Facebook

It has been more than 15 years; Facebook is still going strong without a hint of decline. Mark Zuckerberg named this app originally as Thefacebook. It has acquired more than a billion users from its launch up to this date. Today, Mark Zuckerberg owns Instagram and WhatsApp, making him the youngest multi-billionaire.

  • The story of Coca-cola

A pharmacist named John Pemberton originally planned Coca-cola to be a medicine. But now it has become one of the most famous soft drinks. 

  • The story of Amazon

Young Jeff Bezos always wanted to be a space entrepreneur. But life had planned something else for him. His business started from a humble beginning in a garage shop, and now he has become one of the wealthiest people on earth. He was even the wealthiest person for a few years.

  • The story of Lamborghini

This car has become a symbol of richness. The owner of Lamborghini was insulted by the owner of Ferrari. But now we have one of the most stylish looking cars, thanks to that insult.