Gardening is a therapeutic activity with beautiful results.

There is something very calming and peaceful about planting a small seed and watching it grow little by little everyday and become a beautiful flowering or fruit bearing plant.

Gardening has been in practice for centuries, may it be for practical purposes like a kitchen garden or for a solely aesthetic purpose like flowering plants. Gardening is a lovely hobby and it can also be therapeutic as it teaches one to be patient and caring as plants don’t just grow overnight. Plants are a commitment. You must water them daily, check for pests and give them good soil so that they can get all the nutrients they need to grow into beautiful healthy plants.

Gardening can also be useful and practical. These days the vegetables we get from markets are riddled with pesticides and some fruits are even painted and coated with wax to make them look more appealing. During such times of food adulteration, its actually wise to make your own kitchen garden at home. If you have a small plot of free land or a decently big backyard or even a sturdy terrace, you can start your own little kitchen garden. You can start off with planting herbs like oregano, basil and parsley, so that you can add fresh home grown herbs into your meals and make them a little healthier and even make them taste better. 

Plants like potatoes and tomatoes are actually very easy to grow at home. Even lemon trees are fairly easy to grow and tend to by yourself.

Imagine being able to add fresh herbs and tomatoes and lemons to our meals. Not only will the be healthier as they are free of harmful pesticides but they will automatically make your meals taste better as fresh vegetables and herbs are always better than week old store bought ones.