How Colors Affect a Brand’s Marketing

The advertising world has always rejuvenated and encompassed new and revolutionary ideas to amass viewers’ attention and leave an impact on their minds. These captured viewers are inflicted to be the origin of potential buyers. Colors play a vital role while numerous business owner and marketers plan their advertising strategies. Have you ever wondered questions like:

What’s the connection between colors and advertising? How do colors affect the human brain?

The answer is quite simple and modest. Our brain tracks colors and defines the characteristics of a particular product by a brand. A human brain not only correlates certain colors to emotions but moreover instigates the desired action towards them.

Color marketing is a science that helps the brand to reflect and communicate its ideas more effectively. Colors have the power to convince and persuade the viewers as they hold a language of their own. While triggering the human mind, they create an effect of conviction with the feeling the product wants to convey. According to innumerable studies, the choice of color is an integral reason for purchase by the viewer. Additionally, many researchers believe that 85% of spontaneous decisions made by consumers are because of colors and pigments used while marketing a particular product.

Colors psychology doesn’t just end here, there have been recent studies that say that each color elicits a certain human behavior. For instance, colors like red, blue, orange and black are associated with rapid buying while teal and hues of blue slow down the sale process instigating bargains and hunts for discounts.

However, colors are a perfect way to harness and attract customers and build the brand’s credibility. While red signifies danger and warning, it surely does evoke strong emotions like determination, strength and courage. Simultaneously, green is usually associated with trustworthiness, security, providence and vitality. Furthermore, many brands associated with financial and environmental matters use the green color while promoting themselves in the market

Blue, on the other hand, induces feelings like growth, transparency, courage and peace. Endorsed by many corporate brands, the color blue helps to gain reliability in the market.

Colors are remarkable and so is their effect on human psychology. Advertisers and marketers play these cards to get promising results and generate a better reputation for their brands.