How to cure a hangover

No-one would advocate heavy drinking but there are certain times in celebrations when a lot of us can get carried away. If you’ve gone slightly overboard on a particular night, there is no need to write off the following day. We have put together a few tips that will help you ease a hangover. The morning after a hangover you should definitely keep these in mind:

Get a good sleep

Though you might have slept off as soon as your head hit the pillow after a night of drinking, any sleep you did get was not effective or sound. Research shows that alcohol causes turmoils in both the length and quality of your sleep. That is why, before trying to function like a regular person, hit the snooze button and give yourself a few more hours of sleep.

Have a scientific breakfast

A drop in blood sugar is caused by drinking alcohol without enough food in your body. This may well be one reason why you feel so fuzzy-brained and shaky the morning after. That is why you should eat those carbs with a glass of orange or apple juice and a slice of wheat toast.

Boost your electrolytes!

Alcohol makes you lose extra fluids, and even your electrolytes suffer. Bring your levels back up by having foods like avocados, spinach, bananas, and kale. Or simply pour yourself a tall glass of an energy drink like Gatorade.