How to deal with the quarantine straining the relationship between you and your significant other

During this moment of uncertainity, when people are dealing with many problems and anxieties, one of the major problems which people are facing is maintaining a healthy relationship with their partner. As we all are practicing social distancing, many of us are not able to meet our loved ones or we are facing problem while staying with them. 

This period has affected many people who don’t know how to deal with their relationship. Here are some tips that can be useful for you to maintain a healthy relation:

  1. Spend time with yourself. This is the most important thing that a person needs. Take some time to do whatever you love to do in your free time. Giving yourself alone time will help you to think better and have inner-peace to make yourself more productive to deal with things in a better way.
  2. Plan a working schedule. We all are working from home and have additional domestic chores to do regularly. To do things on time and also to spend some quality time with your partner, making a schedule will help to have fun with each other and will help you to understand your partner more.
  3. Couples can do many activities together like playing a game, plan a romantic date, cook together, work-out together, and so on. These activities, even if done virtually, will help to improve the bond and connection between each other and will bring back the spark in your relationship.

Refresh your mood by getting some fresh air or talking to a close friend, whatever helps you relax and unwind so that you don’t get easily irritated and deal with the issues more intelligently and smartly. Always remember that communication helps, try to communicate with your partner, share your thoughts and feelings, this will make you and your partner understand each other and work towards making the relationship more harmonious.