What kind of sample and sample size should you choose for your market research?

Sample sounds like such a small task but actually is quite a tedious one. It is very important to choose the ideal sample size as it does matter and affect the research massively. Let’s first understand what a sample actually means. If you visit any store, you always ask to show you a sample to get a basic idea. Sample in market research is pretty much the same. It means a small yet important part of something huge. 

If we conduct a market research, we cannot take everything into consideration as market is huge, which is why we always look at samples as it gives a very clear idea of the bigger picture. Determining a sample is a tough task which is why there are a lot of things that need to be considered while choosing a sample.

Firstly, it is important to understand the size of the population. Unlike the regular population, this means the population that you are targeting. For example, if you are targeting babies, the babies will be your population and not others. 

Another way to understand the sample is with the level of confidence that you have. The confidence level is just what it sounds. It basically means how confident you are with your chosen sample and its size. You’ll mostly see the confidence levels are always between 90% to 95%.

Lastly, talking about the sample size, there is no ideal sample size or kind of sample that one needs. It all depends upon a lot of factors like how big their market is, who their target audience are, their budget, etc. It depends on business to business. But that doesn’t mean that sampling is not important. It, in reality shows a miniature  picture of your bigger market research just like a globe shows the miniature picture of the actual world.