How to Use Instagram Stories to Get More Followers

Instagram is one app that is being widely used by every top social media agency. With newer updates coming in every day, Instagram has become a brand’s favorite. However, the content that you put up on Instagram should be relevant and to the point. Beating around the bush won’t help. 

What’s interesting about Instagram is its stories. Even the most trusted social media agencies in India make use of stories to engage with their audience. For brands, followers are the most important thing. 

Here is how brands can use Instagram stories to get more followers:


Now, these are not running stories but those that have been uploaded previously. You can easily store these in the highlights section and they can be used to drive traffic to your page.


Takeovers are a great way to engage your audience through stories. Calling a well-known personality to take over your Instagram will get their followers to your page.


Taking polls and quizzes on your Instagram stories will give you a chance to communicate with your audience. They will also generate new followers for you. 


Using GIFs, stickers, and stories will make your story look attractive and help grab the attention of the viewers. Creating your stickers and GIFs will create an impact on your audience and will help you gain followers. 


Templates create an identity for your brand. Your brand will be recognized based on the template and its color. Using a template that is unique and different will automatically help you gain followers. 

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