Job Openings @ sunStrategic
At the easy-to-work, employee-friendly, fun and informal yet professional work environment of sunSTRATEGIC, employees have a whole new world to explore. The small yet comfy and personalised work space of sunSTRATEGIC is really a University in itself where one learns the tricks of trade, evolves as a person, understands the nitty-gritties of a corporate life, learns the functioning of a professional body, bridges the gap between the theoretical learning one has undergone all life long and the practical life, that, one learns only in the corporate world.
A naïve amateur transforms into a street-wise professional as one steps out in the harsh world, where there are no free lunches. One comes face-to-face with realities of life that are hard-hitting but true. At sunSTRATEGIC, a teenager turns a mature adult equipped with humongous experience and exposure which is a huge plus onto the CV. At sunSTRATEGIC, adolescents get a chance come out of their shells, swim in the wide and huge ocean from their well-protected and well-aware environment of a small well. SunSTRATEGIC very gently ushers teens to step into their next phase of life, making them realise that there is much more to life than chilling, going clubbing every weekend and discovering new places to hangout in a very student-friendly way. The digital marketing agency completely equips individuals who have underwent simple pressures of straight-forward and elementary tasks only for the future that awaits them with more demanding, challenging and taxing work assignments that have shorter deadlines to meet.
It is a feeling of pride and of coming-of-age when one realises that it is not a child’s play to make money as teens casually think it to be. There is nothing as a quick buck and it takes lot of time, sacrifices and efforts, mentally, physically, financially. One finally understands the fact of life that it is not as easy to earn money as it is to spend. It takes hours to make those bucks which they spend in a second. You understand the true value of money. You value your parents’ hardwork after you and after their work which they put in to give you the lifestyle that you live today. You simply end up valuing everything more in every which way.
An added benefit of being an employee at sunSTRATEGIC is that, since it is a start-up, it is a small-knit team managing various aspects, multi-tasking it all at once, mastering every art one takes on hand, unlike large MNCs where one can barely look over their desktops and cubicles in their department, leave alone rest of the organisation. One gets to be all around and all-over the organisation, exploring foreign departments, alien job profiles, unexplored work fields, unknown territories and undiscovered fortes of own self, that one once wondered earlier if was capable of doing.
Here are your chances to grab the golden opportunities at the organisation,
Content Writer: (2 internship openings) Hola writer amigos, here’s the opportunity you can grab! If you think you have a flair in the language and can play with words like nobody else, then this is your zone of focus. Preparing the content for the clients is your job along with managing the sunSTRATEGIC blog. Give your skilful edge a new high by writing innovative captions for social media, e-newsletters and generating interesting content for the organization. Pamper your passion with compassion and it won’t even seem like work! It’s going to be a breezy day at work, doing what you love, Writing! What more can one ask for?
Content Writer & Editor: (1 opening for a full-timer) Writing is your superpower and you are good at reading between the lines, very literally, then this is the place for you to be! Focus on every word, comma, spelling, sentence structure, spacing, formatting and there you go! Zoom in to find any mistake there can be and use your expertise to make every article be the best-ever read that is completely error-free. Proof-read well with your sharp noticing abilities and your unparalleled orbs and you are sure fill the one full-time Content Writer & Editor vacancy at sunSTRATEGIC!