Ketchup Catchup

Where do you keep the ketchup, is it in the fridge or the pantry? We aren’t going to judge but let us tell you, people might. A debate on where to keep the ketchup, in the fridge or the pantry was started on Twitter, and of course, it blew up too. People had mixed opinions about it, some the correct way to store it was in the fridge while some were leaning towards the pantry.

According to Heinz, it was stated that “Because of its natural acidity, Heinz ketchup is shelf-stable. However, its stability after opening can be affected by storage conditions. We recommend that this product be refrigerated after opening. Refrigeration will maintain the best product quality after opening”. There were also a lot of polls that were put forth, wherein the audience had to choose where they store their ketchup. The debate surely blew up.

The health and nutrition editor of TODAY came forward and said that the ketchup can be kept in the pantry as well as in the fridge, but if opened then it is better to keep it in the fridge as it will extend its life. But again, the tweets did not stop, they kept pouring in like rain. Some tweets completely bashed people that keep their ketchup in the pantry saying “If you keep the ketchup in pantry, you’re an animal and there is no room for you in civilized society”. While others had some other opinion like “I could never be with someone that keeps their ketchup in the cupboard and not in the fridge”.

The debate surely had no end, and no one came to a final decision. In the end, it all boils down to you and how you would want to eat your ketchup. Some people like their ketchup cold, so ahead and refrigerate it. Some like their ketchup at room temperature, keep it in the pantry. It also depends on the usage, as it is said that once opened, it is better to keep it in the fridge as it will stay fresh for longer. So, if you use t pretty often, you can keep it in the pantry as well. And, if not, better store it nicely in the fridge. It’s your choice and how you would want it. We cannot decide for anything if they are doing something right or wrong.