Meditation – the best detox!
As the comedian Jerry Seinfield puts is, “It’s like having… you know, your phone has a charger, right? It’s like having a charger for your whole body and mind. That’s what Meditation is!”
In our fast paced lives of today, where our days are full to the brim with meetings and work obligations, family and friend commitments, suggestions for meditations are met with derisive snorts. “Duh! Who has time for meditating?” is a statement most of us would consider a dampener when we’re about to launch with the ammo of a full hilt speech on meditation.
Well, well! We’re great believers in meditating our way to detox. As they say, ‘If you’re busy, meditate for 30 minutes. If you’re REALLY busy, meditate for an hour.’
Here’s why it’s time we went on a binge of meditation:
Breathing is perhaps the most important thing with Zazen–it’s also one of the most difficult things to do for Westerners. Focus your attentions to steady breathing and clarify your minds of errant thoughts.
Initial attempts at getting the position, breathing and the attempts to clear your mind of thoughts is going to be tough, but in the long run, worth it by a long shot.
As any meditator would agree, it takes some getting used to breathing through the nose, as most of us happen to be mouth breathers.
Viewing meditation with rose colored glasses often has us believing that meditation automatically brings inner peace, but that’s not how it works. At the start of your journey, trying to be Zen might just end up making you really cranky, but soldier on! Meditation clears the mind, making our thoughts more lucid and bringing a permanent state of mental calmness.
The biggest misconceptions about Zen meditation is that the meditator isn’t allowed to have thoughts in their head. Zen meditation, instead makes us aware of the riot of thoughts going in our head, appraised without being judged. A study by Live Science proves it as well.
People often question the sleepiness associated when you start meditating at first. No, it’s not a bite of the Tse-Tse fly. It’s completely normal. It’s just that our bodies are programmed to recognize that the quiet time with our eyes closed, usually signifies we want to go to bed.
There is something liberating, almost subversive, about knowing that you have the same amount of stuff to do each day, but that you’re not anxious about it and not feeling rushed. Zen meditation makes you feel more confident as you tackle your daily workload with more vigor.
Meditation offers you a sense of detachment from expectations; and as is well said, lesser expectations equals a lighter mood. In fact, if meditation could work on Steve Jobs, there’s no two ways why it shouldn’t work for us as well.
The mere mention of ‘ Zen Meditation’ has people conjuring up images of a Britney Spears look-alike with a shaved head, swathed in a robe, living the reclusive live of a monk at a hill top. Well, duh! Zen meditation can be done anywhere, and everywhere, from an office to a car.
We’ve begun the journey to #zenmeditation. Where art thou?
The article above gives insights into the benefits of meditaion and why you should follow it in your daily life. Head over for a chill way of life at sunSTRATEGIC, a leading voice in the area of social, content, branding, digital, we serve to revive, ignite and elevate brands. To know more, head to sunSTRATEGIC.
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