Need for accessibility for the betterment of differently abled people.
Simply going around in the world is something that many of us may take for granted. Easy things like taking a few steps, talking to people, using our limbs properly, listening to music, etc. these are something we don’t even think twice about before indulging in. Some people are not so lucky and have to constantly deal with hardships to perform simple tasks and even normal bodily functions like moving their fingers. People with disabilities suffer every day doing normal, mundane things that are so easy to us that we do not even pay attention to doing it. Taking a few stairs is no problem to a healthy able-bodied person but the same set of stairs can be life-threatening to someone with disabilities.
Accessibility is so important, however, not many of us are aware or pay any mind to it, simply because it does not bother us. Doing everyday work can be such a big hurdle for any person with physical difficulties. They are disadvantaged greatly by not only having to live with a disability but having to work twice or thrice as hard to do simple things. To lessen this gap in the effort that differently-abled people have to put in, accessibility is needed. People need to be made aware of its importance, and provision for the same should be done immediately. While seeking employment or even education, differently-abled people have to be treated to their own standards instead of having to meet the standard of people who are not differently-abled.
In over 50 countries, this situation has been recognized and has even been addressed to some extent, with laws that protect differently-abled people from facing such harsh discrimination and guarantee them some kind of access to all such public facilities and amenities that others can easily access.
Special infrastructure, institutions, and rules need to be established to make their lives easier so that they don’t have to compete or try to match up with people that are not at a disadvantage. They should be aided so that they can walk side by side with everyone in the society as equals.