Plus size models leading the body-positivity movement globally.

Diversity was no more just a token word used by the fashion industry. Diversity has now become a real practice that is slowly but steadily being incorporated in the industry and maybe eventually, it will become a part of its norm. This is no more a distant or outrageous desire because there are stunning plus size models on the front line now, already taking the industry by storm, reshaping beauty standards and promoting body positivity, self-love and self-confidence!

 Ashley Graham is one such supermodel. A true idol for the youth, teaching them to make their own mark in the world with positivity and persistence. She ultimately wishes to make people realize that beauty is more than skin deep. Graham is probably the most famous model cum body activist right now and for all the right reasons. In 2016, she became the first size sixteen model to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue, but that was a goal she reached after years of building an online presence as a confident and bold woman. Her coming to the spotlight has allowed her to interact with fans and spread the message of love and positivity. She has her own clothing line, a book and she’s only just begun her journey to reach even greater things. 

 Tess holiday is another iconic and inspirational plus size model and the genius creator of the #effyourbeautystandards hashtag. She uses her platform to communicate the self-love and confidence she has in her own body and encourages others to do the same. She uses her platform to shed light on the insults and criticism she receives for her body shape and size, even with the world modernizing beyond imagination. She is fiercely determined to provide the younger generations with diverse role models. She wants the youth to have someone to look up to who makes them feel included. Her main goal is to make everyone feel included and beautiful in their own skin.