Product placement is an innovative and effective way of reaching a brand’s target audience.

Product Placement in movies is a new technique comparatively, that brands often employ to reach a huge audience. This does not only give them a big reach, it also gives them an opportunity to associate their products with the stars in the movie and demonstrate the placed product’s uses, all in one go. It is a truly revolutionary tactic.

Product placement is much more advanced in the sense that it eliminates a lot of tedious steps that need to be taken while indulging in traditional advertising projects. It can help brands reach their target audience without having to make use of traditional advertising strategies. It gives them exposure which can be extremely valuable.

The beauty of product placement is, it is subtle. When consumers watch an advertisement, they already know that the brand has put in a significant amount of effort to sell them their products or services which can off putting to some while when a product or brand is shown in a movie, for example “White Castle” in the hilarious movie “Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle”, some people may not even realize that they are being convinced to get a burger from White Castle while watching this movie, because they think it is just part of the storyline and not a well thought out and strategically placed product or service advertisement. In reality however, audiences are just being convinced one way or another.

Product placement is a truly unique and ingenious way of convincing people to use products or services by the brand. This way the brand lets the audience make an association between their product and the movie. Sometimes through this, people even end up emotionally associating a feeling with these products like reaching for a tub of “Ben& Jerry’s” when you are feeling down because you once saw Rachel from the series “FRIENDS” doing it to comfort herself.