School Clique

Clique refers to a group of people that have a lot in common. They come together to form a group as they feel connected. A school clique is formed when students having similar interests come together. For example, cliques can be formed with students having a common interest in sports, music, computer games, etc. A group formed for extra-curricular activity can also be considered as a clique. A clique is not necessarily a group of friends, but some great friendships can start budding from the clique.

Once your child is in a school environment, they would want to be independent and explore more. The common question arises amongst the kids about their interests, inclination and likes. Being a part of the clique can help them answer these questions. Cliques can be a major determinant in shaping your child’s personality. 

  1. Opportunity to make new friends: Firstly, when your child enters a clique, they will have an opportunity to make new friends. Meeting new students with shared interests will make them realize whose company they wish to be in. 
  2. Learning from others: Cliques are a great place to learn things practically. Students share their experiences, knowledge, ideas, etc making your child open to various viewpoints. 
  3. Help them socialize: Clique can help your child socialize and not fear away from expressing themselves, thus making them clearer about their thoughts and ways to express them.
  4. Acceptance to change: Since it is a group, a clique has a leader, organizer, peacemaker, etc. With the change of students in the cliques (as some might join the clique and the senior students would leave), your child’s role too would change enabling them to understand the transition and take up different roles. 
  5. Social standing: Finally, cliques give your child a social standing. Being part of a popular clique may give your child that confidence. However, it may have a negative impact if your child is amongst the ones who were left out.

Like most things in life, cliques too have their pros and cons. However, it is important to focus on the positive aspects of cliques and make your child aware of the negative ones. Undoubtedly, school cliques can help in the overall personality development of your child in their growing years.